I noticed an interesting recurring problem in the last few months.
When I was in Lithuania, I lot my wallet. For the 2 hours it was lost, I felt pretty darn stupid, everything was in the wallet. I literally would have to call my parents to get western unioned money.
Yet, now I still carry everything in my wallet.
When I was coming to the US, I knew I would have a hassle moving money from my Canadian account over to the US. But, I didn’t want to let go of that nice number on my bank account.
Now, in order to get my money I pay a double conversion rate.
All of these are stupid mistakes that could have been easily, easily avoided. But, I was slacking. I didn’t label myself as the type of person that ‘did errands’, or ‘thought about these things’.
That cost me a bunch, and I won’t let it cost me much more.